dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant was the first escort of the NBA who was drafted directly of his high-school. He was compared a lot of times with Michael Jordan, for my opinion was better Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant has helped to Los Angeles to won three years consecutive the NBA.

The first years he wasn’t very good in the NBA but after a few years he become one of the best players of the history of the NBA.

                                           In this photo we can see Kobe Bryant

Video of Michael Jordan

diumenge, 3 de maig del 2015

Michael Jordan

Michael Jeffrey Jordan  is a retired of basketball for the first time in 1993, then 1999 and finally 2003.
He won six NBA championship rings with the Chicago Bulls, where he earned an average of 30.1 points for game average largest in the history of the league. It also won 10 titles as top scorer, was selected five times as the MVP of the Seaton, 6 as the MVP of the finals, ten times was part of the best quintet of the NBA, and nine times the best defensive quintet; for three seasons leading steals balls, and once received the award for best defender of the season.

                                                 In this picture we can see Michael Jordan

dissabte, 2 de maig del 2015

Video of Playoffs

The Playoffs

The playoffs begin on the finals days of April, with eight teams from each conference classified. The top three in each conference are importans by the winners in each division, following victories turn the balance-derrotes. The five remaining teams are controlled by the winning record among teams not winning division in the conference. However, the division was champion does not guarantee had the field advantage of the playoffs. The field advantage is strictly based on the balance of victory-losses during the regular season, without respecting the division winners.

                          This is the square of the playoffs NBA 2014

divendres, 1 de maig del 2015

Video of Lebron James

Lebron James

With 2.03 meters, his position is to forward, but can also play power forward. When he was18 years James was chosen in the first position of the 2003 NBA Draft by the Cleveland Cavaliers. Playing with Cavs confirmed that was a superstar playing basketball, and in his first season won the Rookie of the Year in the NBA. One of the records he has made  is that is the youngest player in history to reach 10,000, 15,000 and 20,000 points.

In this photo there is Lebron James doing a dunk